Online Student Resources
English/Language Arts
Education Place
Houghton Mifflin reading/language arts textbook support, including word games, articles from Weekly Reader, and tips for better writing
PH School
Prentice Hall textbook support, including reading strategies and reading comprehension tests with immediate feedback
Grammar Girl: Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing
A website and podcast that provides quick tips for improving your English grammar
California Mathematics
Macmillan/McGraw-Hill math textbook support, including math-related vocabulary words and visual definitions in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and other languages
Holt, Rinehart and Winston Math
Textbook support, including homework help, a multi-lingual math glossary, and games that reinforce the lessons in each chapter
Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Math
Textbook support, including downloadable student workbooks
College Preparatory Mathematics
Textbook support, including Hotmath Tutorials and downloadable practice problems
History/Social Studies
Education Place
Houghton Mifflin social studies textbook support, including a glossary in English and Spanish and access interactive maps and word games
California Vistas
Macmillan/McGraw-Hill textbook support in English and Spanish, including quizzes and projects to extend learning beyond the classroom
Pearson-Prentice Hall Social Studies
Pearson Prentice Hall textbook support, including up-to-date data and maps of various countries and interactive textbooks (a valid email address is required to access some content)
Historical Treasures of San Bernardino
Historical photos and information on famous and not-so-famous people and events in the San Bernardino area from as far back as the 1880s
Early History of the California Coast
A travel itinerary highlighting 45 historic places that help tell the story of Spanish colonization of California, including information about forts, churches, adobe houses, and historic districts
Voices of Civil Rights
Nearly 50 photos, posters, and descriptions depict important events and individuals in the American Civil Rights movement, such as school integration in Little Rock (1957), the lunch counter sit-in in Greensboro (1960), and the Voting Rights Act (1965)
Scott Foresman Science
A bilingual site offering textbook support, including science-related trivia questions and information to supplement classroom lessons
Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Science
Textbook support, including animated BrainPop movies on topics such as pollution, kinetic energy, and ocean currents and a science glossary in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and 10 other languages
Provides the latest on developments in life sciences, physical sciences, and technology, including articles on genetics, animals, the brain, chemistry, astronomy, nanotechnology, and more
Various/Multiple Subjects
McDougal Littell textbook support in various subjects, including chapter reviews, games, practice quizzes, and animated simulations to better visualize concepts
Global Gateway
Links to information about the culture, economy, geography, government, history, languages, politics, and religions of more than 150 nations from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe
Other Resources
¡Colorín Colorado!
A bilingual site for parents and teachers who are helping Spanish-speaking children learn to read in English and includes a list of Spanish/English cognates and reading tip sheets with age-appropriate suggestions for encouraging your child to read
¡Colorín Colorado!
Un sitio bilingüe para familias y maestros para ayudar a los niños a leer
San Bernardino Public Library
Free events and activities are offered year round. Online tutoring in English and Spanish through Brainfuse, and virtual reference desk (including financial aid information), and audio books and e-books are available by selecting the option titled, "E for Me." All services are free to library cardholders.