Parent Groups and Advisory Committees
African American Parent Advisory Council
The purpose of this Advisory Council is to advise the District School Board of Education regarding the services and programs the District offers to African American Students. The council works collaboratively with School site, San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) and its Board of Education regarding the services and programs the District offers to African-American Students. African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC) is run by your school site. For more information on dates, location, and time, please contact your local school site.
For AAPAC support, please contact Equity and Targeted Student Achievement office at (909) 473-2098.
Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
The state of California is divided into "areas" for the purpose of administering special education services for Students with disabilities. These areas are called Special Education Local Planning Areas or SELPAs. Usually, smaller school districts are grouped together to form one SELPA. Larger school districts, such as San Bernardino City Unified School District, form a single SELPA. Each SELPA must submit a Local Plan to the state every few years describing how services will be delivered to students receiving special education services in their planning area in accordance with the law. State law requires that every SELPA have a Community Advisory Committee (CAC). San Bernardino City schools Community Advisory Committee members are mostly parents of students receiving special education services. Others members may include students with disabilities, adults with disabilities, teachers, school district personnel, community agency representatives and other individuals concerned with the needs of individuals with disabilities...READ MORE
District Advisory Council (DAC)
The District Advisory Council is a committee of parents, students, and community representatives, teachers, principals, and other district staff. The formation of the DAC is required by state law. Specific functions of the DAC include providing review and comment on the: District Educational Program, District Local Control and Accountability Plan, including the Local Educational Agency Plan, the District Parent Involvement Policy, and the Consolidated Application for state and federal categorical programs...READ MORE
District African-American Advisory Council
District English Learners Advisory Council (DELAC)
In order to: 1) expand and improve the educational opportunities for children identified as English Learners; 2) ensure academic success through high expectations and challenging materials, curricula, and instruction; 3) meet the educational, personal, and career needs of every student in a timely and effective manner; 4) encourage success in the regular school program through a collaborative decision-making process within the school community, we hereby adopt these bylaws. These bylaws will provide clear statements of our obligations and rights as District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) representatives...READ MORE
District School Counseling Advisory (DSCA)
What do counselors do? How are students different as a result of what school counselors do?
PURPOSE: To advise and assist with reviewing school counseling program goals comprised of key stakeholders to ensure program accountability.
WHO: School counselors, teachers, students, parents, administrators, and area business leaders.
WHY: The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) has collaborated to create a National Model for School Counseling Programs to connect school counseling with current educational reform movements that emphasize student achievement and success...READ MORE
Pacific Islander Parent Task Force
It's SBCUSD's goal to support our Pacific Islander students and families so that our Pacific Islander students are able to reach their college, career and scholarship goals. Some of this support will be identical to the support given to all of our students and families, but some support will be culturally specific.