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Google Workspace Support

 Gmail Support

   Access Gmail

Logging In
Get Gmail on your devices
Create a browser bookmark
Add a Gmail desktop shortcut

   Make Gmail Look Like Outlook

Add a preview pane
View your Google Calendar in your inbox
Add a signature


   Send Email

Compose a new email
Format text and add images or attachments
Use spell check
Send and undo send

  Reply to Email

Reply to, forward, and print email
Change recipients and subjects
Save attachments


  Organize Email

Archive or delete
Sort and filter vs. Search
Folders with color categories vs. Labels with colors
Flags vs. Stars and importance markers
Rules vs. Filters

Collaborate in Gmail

Vacation notifications
Desktop notifications
Mail delegation
Shared mailbox 


 Google Calendar Support

   Access Calenda

Get Calendar on your devices
Create a browser bookmark
Add a Calendar desktop shortcut


   Customize your Calendar View

Change how you see your calendar
Color-code calendars and events

  Create Events

Create a new event
Add guests to an event
Find a time that suits all guests
Add a room to an event
Add files to an event

   Manage Event

Create repeating events
Email guests from a Calendar event
Find an event
Copy an event to a different calendar
Decline events during out-of-office hours
Restore a deleted event

   Collaborate in Calendar

Set working hours
Change an event owner
Add a co-worker’s calendar
Create additional calendars
Share or delegate your calendar
Add appointment slots to Calendar
Share your calendar with your organization
Create a mailing group for events

   Respond to Events

Respond to an event
Add a note to your response or propose a new time
Set event notifications
Remove event notifications


 G Workspace for Administrators
