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Student Attendance


In accordance with California compulsory education laws and the District's mission to provide all students with a quality education, the Positive Youth Development Department assists school sites in monitoring and enforcing student attendance.


There is a very strong connection between student attendance and student performance in school. Research shows that students who attend school every day pass state tests in reading and math at much higher rates than students who attend school less than 85% of the time. Higher attendance equals higher achievement for all students.

School attendance is required by state law. The California Education Code section 48200 requires that every child 6 to 18 years old must attend school every day and on time unless there is an acceptable reason for the absence. Acceptable reasons for excused absences include, but are not limited, to illness, medical appointments, and attendance at family funeral services. Attendance at religious retreats shall not exceed four (4) hours per school semester. Absences due to activities such as babysitting, accompanying parents on errands, and attending sporting events or concerts are unexcused. Parents/guardians are responsible for their child's school attendance and must notify the school if their child is not in school and why.