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Preschool - Full Day Program and Part Day
For full details and information regarding enrollment and the Child development Programs please go to

About the Program:

The Child Development Program for children ages 0-5 provides a safe, nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, creative, linguistic, and cognitive development of each child.

Children are provided with materials and activities that are culturally appropriate and meaningful by using books, computer software, games, music, pictures, and toys that enhance the learning experiences.

Health, social services, and other special needs are also identified and addressed.

Enrollment Eligibility:
Please take the time to carefully answer the questions in the registration form. Additional documents will need to be provided to complete student enrollment.

Documents needed are:

Student's Proof of Birth (Birth Certificate, Passport, Baptismal Record, etc)

Birth records of all children in the home under 18 years of age

Student's Immunization Record including physical and TB

Recent full month (ex. Four pay stubs if paid once a week)

Employment Verification

Written referral from a county welfare department, child welfare services worker, certifying that the child is receiving protective services and the family requires childcare and development services as part of the service plan (if applicable)

IFSP or IEP (if applicable)

Parent/Guardian ID

Proof of address Utility Bill within the last 30 days.

To begin with the enrollment of a student please click on the following link:

For additional forms refer to enrollment forms on the tab to the left. 

Por favor tome el tiempo para leer y responder cuidadosamente el formulario de inscripciones. Documentos adicionales será necesarios para completer la inscripción de un estudiante.

Los documents requeridos son:

Comprobante de Nacimiento del estudiante ( acta de Nacimiento, pasaporte, acta de bautismo, etc)

Comprobante de Nacimiento de todos los niños menores de 18 años que viven en el hogar

Registro de vacunas del estudiante incluyendo exámen físico y TB

Cheque de trabajo de un mes completo. ( 4 cheques si le pagan semanalmente)

Verificación de empleo.

Remisión escrita de un departamento de bienestar del condado, trabajador de servicios de bienestar infantile, certificando que el niño recibe servicios de protección y que la familia require servicios de cuidado y Desarrollo infantil como parte del plan de servicios. (si corresponde)

IFSP o IEP ( si corresponde)

Padre/Tutor ID

Comprobante de domicilio facture de servicios públicos dentro de 30 días.

Para las formas adicionales por favor refiérase a enrollment forms

Para comenzar la inscripción de un alumno por favor seleccione el siguiente enlace:

Eligibility is assessed according to income and family size. We serve children from birth to five who are residents of California. Any children ages birth to five who meet eligibility may receive services from San Bernardino City Unified School District Child Development Program. Priority must be given to children who are clients of Child Protective Services (CPS).

Child Development Program enrollment is available year round. The program is open a minimum of 245 days per year for the full-day program and 180 days for the part-day program. The Child Development Centers are closed on all legal and school holidays. There are five full day Infant/Toddler centers, and nine full day preschool classrooms.

Documentation Needed:

  • Complete an enrollment packet
  • Documentation of income eligibility for the most recent full month
  • Documentation of employment, enrollment in school, or seeking employment
  • Birth records of all children in the home under 18 years of age
  • Proof of physical examination within one year, TB test within two years, and current shot record
  • Current utility bill

Once the completed packet is submitted to the Allred Child Development Center office (for full-day) or Preschool Central. There will be an interview with an enrollment clerk to verify information and assign placement in the program.