Specialized Academic Instruction
Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) is the primary service provided to students who qualify for special education and is available at all San Bernardino City Unified School District school sites. Depending on the particular needs of the student, SAI may include one or more of the following:
- Consultation between a special education teacher and general education teacher(s) to assist in providing instructional and assessment adaptations and behavioral interventions, which allow students with special needs to benefit from their general education classes.
- Monitoring of students by a special education teacher through appointments, weekly progress reports, and/or school-home communication.
- Instructional support provided by a special education teacher or instructional aide to help students with special needs progress in their classes by assisting with the understanding of assignments and information being presented, and modifying work to accommodate students’ special needs. Instructional support may be provided in a general education class or separate classroom.
- Collaborative/Team teaching in which a special education teacher and a general education instructor teach a class together that includes both general and special education students.
Areas of Specialization
- Mild/Moderate Disabilities (M/M) Includes specific learning disabilities; mild to moderate mental retardation; attention deficit and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders; serious emotional disturbance; and authorizes service in grades K–12 and in classes organized primarily for adults through age 22.
- Moderate/Severe Disabilities (M/S) Includes autism; deaf-blindness; moderate to severe mental retardation; multiple disabilities; serious emotional disturbance; and authorizes service in grades K–12 and in classes organized primarily for adults through age 22.
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Includes deafness; hearing impairment; deaf-blindness; and authorizes service to individuals ages birth through 22.
- Visual Impairments (VI) Includes blindness; visual impairment; deaf-blindness; and authorizes service to individuals ages birth through 22.
- Physical and Health Impairments (PHI) Includes orthopedic impairment; other health impairment; multiple disabilities; traumatic brain injury; andauthorizes service to individuals ages birth through 22.
- Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Includes the mild/moderate and moderate/severe disabilities listed above, and authorizes service to children agesbirth to pre-kindergarten only*.
The Special Education teachers or Educational Specialist are authorizes the holder to teach in the area of specialization listed on the credential in the following settings:
- Special day classes
- Special schools
- Home/hospital settings
- Correctional facilities
- Nonpublic schools and agencies
- Resource rooms