Community Advisory Committee
What is the CAC?
The state of California is divided into "areas" for the purpose of administering special education services for Students with disabilities. These areas are called Special Education Local Planning Areas or SELPAs. Usually, smaller school districts are grouped together to form one SELPA. Larger school districts, such as San Bernardino City Unified School District, form a single SELPA. Each SELPA must submit a Local Plan to the state every few years describing how services will be delivered to students receiving special education services in their planning area in accordance with the law. State law requires that every SELPA have a Community Advisory Committee (CAC). San Bernardino City schools Community Advisory Committee members are mostly parents of students receiving special education services. Others members may include students with disabilities, adults with disabilities, teachers, school district personnel, community agency representatives and other individuals concerned with the needs of individuals with disabilities.
What is the Purpose of the CAC?
The CAC is the advisory board to the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). The primary responsibilities and activities of the CAC include but are not limited to: Advise the policy and administrative entity of the District regarding the development and review of the Local Plan, including a process for review and consideration of CAC comments. Recommend annual priorities to be addressed by the Local Plan. Make recommendations and suggestions for annual priorities to be addressed. Assist in education and in recruiting parents and other volunteers to help implement the plan by means such as outreach, presentations, and informational meetings. Encourage community awareness and involvement in the development and review of the Local Plan. Support activities on behalf of individual with exceptional needs. Assist in parent awareness of the importance of regular school attendance.