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Building Strong Academic Programs

Secondary Education Mathematics serves SBCUSD Middle and High Schools (grades 6-12) and focuses on supporting these sites by ensuring that students receive a focused, standards-based mathematics education.

Curriculum oversight, interventions, and district assessment support are our primary responsibilities. We also work with site math departments in implementing coaching models and professional learning communities.

It is our goal to make math relevant and rewarding so that students learn how to use math in their day-to-day lives as well as using it to assist them in their future goals for the college and career of their choice.

SBCUSD K-12 Mathematics Vision

In SBCUSD, we ensure that all students see themselves as mathematicians, are prepared with the mindsets and skills necessary to meet the demands of college and career, and apply mathematics in the world around them as evidenced by the following best practices:

  1. All students engage in rich tasks that facilitate exploration, critical thinking, and discourse to deepen conceptual understanding.

  2. All students routinely engage in grade-appropriate, relevant lessons that incorporate differentiated supports and culturally responsive pedagogy and contexts.

  3. Teachers intentionally plan to facilitate inquiry and real-world application of conceptual knowledge and problem-solving. 

  4. Instruction will be standards-based and will be informed by frequent progress monitoring to assess student learning.

Agnes Asiedu Kumi, Ed.D.
Assistant Director

Kimberley Simpson

Sabrina Katyal (Grades 6 - 8)
Program Specialist

Kristina Perez (High School)
Program Specialist

Jesse Venegas (High School)
Program Specialist

Lilia Cervantes
Secretary III

4030 Georgia Blvd.
San Bernardino, CA 92407

Ph: (909) 473-2077
Fx: (909) 473-2078

8:00am - 4:30pm
Monday - Friday