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English Learner & Multilingual Learner Policies

Introduction & Overview of the California EL Roadmap Policy

The California English Learner Roadmap

The California State Board of Education approved the California English Learner Roadmap State Board of Education Policy: Educational Programs and Services for English Learners (EL Roadmap Policy) on July 12, 2017. 

This policy is intended to provide guidance to local education agencies (LEAs) on welcoming, understanding, and educating the diverse population of students who are English learners attending California's public schools.

To learn more about the CA EL Roadmap, click here.

San Bernardino's Multilingual Initiative - Investing in Our Future Today 

Our district multilingual initiative provides a pathway to engage all students in high level, multilingual learning opportunities that prepare them for success in a global, 21st century environment.

In March of 2019 SBCUSD was recognized by Californians Together as a state model for biliteracy programs. The Multilingual Programs Department was presented with the Multiple Pathway to Biliteracy District Recognition Award at the 2019 CABE Seal of Excellence Banquet.