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District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)


2024 New DELAC board members

Ā”Felicidades a los nuevos miembros de la junta directiva de DELAC! Congratulations to the new DELAC board members!

President: Elizabeth Romero

Vice President: Yolanda Quintero

Secretary: Consuelo Rubio

Parliamentarian: Maricela NuƱez

In order to: 1) expand and improve the educational opportunities for children identified as English Learners; 2) ensure academic success through high expectations and challenging materials, curricula, and instruction; 3) meet the educational, personal, and career needs of every student in a timely and effective manner; 4) encourage success in the regular school program through a collaborative decision-making process within the school community, we hereby adopt these bylaws. These bylaws will provide clear statements of our obligations and rights as District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) representatives.

Meetings and Resources

