Reclassification for English Learners with Disabilities
Reclassification of English Learners With Disabilities
English learners who are identified for special education services (also known as Dually-identified English learners, or English learners with disabilities) will be considered for reclassification as appropriate based on their IEP or Section 504 goals. Attainment of linguistically appropriate goals written into IEPs will help guide the IEP team and the Multilingual Programs Director when considering a dually-identified English learner for reclassification.
The following are suggestions for applying the four criteria in EC Section 313(f) to local reclassification policies regarding English learners with disabilities:
- Assessment of English Language Proficiency (ELP)
- Using an objective assessment instrument including, but not limited to the ELPAC, is one of four criteria in state law per EC Section 313(f) to be used by LEAs in determining whether or not an English learner should be reclassified as R-FEP. The IEP team can use scores from the Alternate ELPAC for reclassification purposes. The Alternate ELPAC may be used to measure the student's English language proficiency on any or all four domains in which the student cannot be assessed using the ELPAC. The IEP team determines whether or not to administer the Alternate ELPAC, the ELPAC with modifications and accommodations, or to administer the ELPAC with domains excluded based on the student's disability. Contact the Multilingual Programs Department for any guidance needed in making this decision.
- Student's Score on Assessment of Basic Skills
- The IEP team should specify in the student's IEP an assessment of basic skills to meet the guidelines for reclassification (e.g., the California Alternative Assessment). The IEP team may consider using other assessments that are valid, reliable and designed to compare basic skills of English learners with disabilities with native English speakers with similar disabilities in order to determine if the English learner with disabilities has sufficiently mastered the basic skills for reclassification consideration.
- Teacher Evaluation
- Use the student's classroom performance information based on his or her academic IEP goals.
- Parental Opinion and Consultation
- The parent or guardian is a participant on the IEP team and will receive the reclassification consultation through the IEP.
For more information on reclassification of dually-identified English learners, please contact the Multilingual Programs Department.