Dually-Identified English Learners
Dually-identified English learners are English learners with disabilities. ELs with disabilities in the Resource Specialist Program receive the required minutes of Designated ELD in general K-12 education classrooms at their proficiency level. Their education is planned in collaboration with the general education teacher and the resource specialist.
The IEP team will need to discuss the services, supports, and accommodations/modifications that may be needed in order for dually identified English learners to access ELD instruction. In some cases, the RSP teacher may need to co-plan and co-teach during Designated ELD time. The RSP teacher, however, will not be the sole provider of Designated ELD instruction.
ELs with disabilities in a Special Day Class (SDC) who are on the general education curriculum will also receive the required minutes of Designated ELD according to their language proficiency level.
The IEP team may need to discuss the supports needed in order for students with disabilities to access Designated ELD. English learners in a Special Day class who are on the alternative curriculum will receive 30-45 minutes of daily Designated ELD.