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Assessment and Accountability

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Assessments

SBCUSD’s Assessment Committee annually reviews and revises the district-wide assessment expectations for students at all levels. District and site staff monitor and analyze student data in order to ensure that English learners and Spanish learners are making expected progress and meeting District learning expectations.

Assessment in the Language of Instruction


English language formative assessments are utilized in guiding instruction and for collaboration with grade level and subject area teams.

English learners are monitored using the following multiple measures:

  1. State language proficiency assessments (ELPAC)
  2. District-Identified Primary Language Assessments
  3. District benchmark assessments
  4. The English Language Development Portfolio is utilized as a tool for planning effective instruction and for providing additional support, intervention, and enrichment. 

The California School Dashboard also provides English learner data for the district and school sites in real-time. The dashboard includes the English Learner Progression Indicator, which allows all stakeholders to take the pulse of English learner success.