Categorical Programs
Categorical Programs facilitates a variety of state and federal categorical programs, monitoring allocation, programmatic, and some fiscal compliance issues. We provide a variety of services, including technical support to school sites regarding requirements under the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA), school plan development, Federal Program Monitoring support, technical assistance with intervention and support for program and student improvement at the K-12 level. We design tools and resources for schools and departments that facilitate the implementation of State and Federal Programs, assist in the development and monitoring of State and Federal Program budgets/expenditures at K-12 schools, and assist in the development and revision of the district Local Education Agency Plan.
In addition, Categorical Programs provides training in various state and federal requirements that are associated with categorical programs, School Site Council nominations, elections and responsibilities, School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), and employee time audit support. We facilitate the District Advisory Council and coordinate federal services to private schools that are required by law.
Mission: The Categorical Programs Department serves all educational partners of both public and private schools, through technical expertise and personalized support, that builds capacity and ensures state/federal compliance.
Vision: Provide effective and consistent support to schools and district level educational partners, through a model of continuous improvement.
Categorical Programs maintains an open door policy and welcomes all comments and questions regarding state and federal programs. Parents, staff, and the community are encouraged to call or contact the department at any time for assistance.