Awards and Recognitions
Crystal & Golden Apple Awards
The Communications Department coordinates the Employee Excellence Awards program that includes the Golden Apple and Crystal Apple awards.
Updated October 2024
The Communications Department is pleased to announce the Golden & Crystal Apple Awards application window is from Tuesday, October 1, 2024, through Friday, November 1, 2024.
As a reminder, the Golden & Crystal Apple Awards process has been aligned to meet the eligibility standards for the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) awards for their Teacher of the Year (TOY) and Classified School Employee of the Year (CSEY) programs. There are now two (2) Golden Apple Award categories for certificated employees—Classroom Teacher and Non-Instructional (i.e. Psychologist, Counselor, Speech and Language Pathologists, etc.). In addition, there are also two (2) opportunities for Golden Apple Award winners within the classified service in two different job family and occupational specialty categories. Please refer to the Classified Job Family/Occupational Specialty Guide for more information.
To be eligible for Golden & Crystal Apple Award consideration, please find the criteria below:
- Meet the years of experience requirements for each of these awards:
- Classroom teachers must have eight (8) years of experience
- Non-Instructional certificated staff must have five (5) years of experience
- Classified employees must have five (5) years of experience in their current job family and occupational specialty category
- Interested applicants must submit their application through the Certificated Golden & Crystal Apple Application Form or the Classified Golden & Crystal Apple Application Form;
- Applications must include a letter of recommendation from a District supervisor that specifically mentions the Golden and Crystal Apple Awards and why they think you are deserving of this prestigious recognition. Please limit recommendation letter to one page;
- All nominations must include an approximately 250-word narrative in response to each of the three (3) required questions;
- Please note that each employee is only eligible to win each award once in a lifetime; and
- If selected, finalists must be willing to fully participate in the SBCSS TOY or CSEY process, which requires additional work on your part. Additional details will be provided to award winners.
If you are interested in being considered for a Golden or Crystal Apple Award, please submit your application by Friday, November 1, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the Communications Department for assistance at
Outstanding Achievement Awards
The Communications Department also coordinates the:
Outstanding Student Awards
Outstanding Parent Awards
Outstanding Classified Employee Awards
Outstanding Certificated Employee Awards
These awards are presented by the Board Of Education during School Board Meetings.