Crossing Guards/Crosswalks
The safety of our SBCUSD students is a top priority, especially while traveling to and from school. If you would like to request the placement of a marked crosswalk, the feasibility of a crossing guard, or wish to express an issue with either, please fill out this form below. The report is electronically sent to the Office of Safety and Emergency Management.
La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes de SBCUSD es una prioridad, especialmente mientras se trasladan hacia y desde la escuela. Si desea solicitar la implementación de un cruce peatonal señalizado, la viabilidad de un guardia de cruce, o desea expresar un problema con cualquiera de los dos, por favor complete este formulario a continuación. El informe se enviará electrónicamente a la Oficina de Seguridad y Gestión de Emergencias.
The San Bernardino Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program provides our district with an incredible opportunity to increase walking and rolling to school, improve health outcomes, and reduce vehicle miles traveled.
To keep students safe, the SRTS Program is launching a safety campaign: “I Drive 25 or Less.” This safety campaign empowers you to proactively take responsibility for your driving behavior and those of your neighbors by asking you to drive at or below the posted speed limit, which is 25 MPH in school zones, and share the road safely with people walking and rolling. Please help us spread the word by displaying the “I CAN DRIVE 25 OR LESS” decal on your car.
Public Transportation is another great way to roll to school. This year OmniTrans has provided SBCUSD students with free fares. Learn more about Omnitrans’ new Free Fares for School (FFFS) program and ride the bus FREE with your student ID (a FFFS decal\ will be attached when you pick up your ID). Enjoy unlimited rides ANY day on ANY of OmniTrans’ 29 routes through May 31, 2022:
We are working with the City of Highland, San Bernardino, the County of San Bernardino, and community partners to provide educational information. Several of our schools were included in a grant the city received for safe routes infrastructure. Below you will find the suggested route maps developed for the grant, which students and families can use to choose the best walking and/or rolling route to and from school.
Safe Routes To School