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Internet Safety

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To keep your children safe on the Internet instruct them...

  • Avoid arranging or meeting face-to-face with someone they met on-line.
  • Never upload (post) pictures of themselves onto the Internet or on-line service to people they do not personally know.
  • Keep all personal information private by not giving out identifying information such as their name, home address, school name, or telephone number.
  • Avoid responding to messages or bulletin board postings that are suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or harassing.
  • Be aware that whatever they are told on-line may or may not be true.
  • Be respectful of copyright laws by not downloading pictures, videos, music, or text from an unknown source without getting permission.
  • Tell an adult if they see, read, or hear anything on the computer or Internet that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable, sad, scared, or unsafe.

Online Internet Safety Resources
