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Mission Statement

The Transportation Department makes it a priority to support the educational process by providing safe, dependable, efficient and cost-effective transportation in response to the needs of students, staff and community, while focusing on delivering outstanding customer service.

Bussing Services

  • Home to School
  • Magnet / D&I
  • Capping
  • Empty Seat

Transportation Ride Guide Video

This guide has been developed to provide you with helpful information, bus conduct expectations and safety rues so that we can work as partners to meet your child's transportation needs. As you know, school transportation is a PRIVILEGE available for those students who are eligible according to the Board of Education Administrative Regulation (AR) 3451. Let's continue to work together to keep all children safe. Thank you for your support.

Marie Espinoza
Transportation Director

Michael Martinez
Transportation Supervisor

Yadira McKenzie
Interim Secretary III

Gregorio Perez
Transportation Planner

909 North J Street
San Bernardino, CA 92411

Phone: (909) 388-6125
Fax: (909) 388-6134

Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.