Mary Ellen A. Grande
Board Vice President - Mary Ellen A. Grande
Current term: 2022 - 2026
Mary Ellen Abilez Grande is a seasoned educator dedicated to all students, and a creative team leader with the ability to inspire efficacy in others.
She has been teaching students designated with moderate/severe needs in the San Bernardino City Unified School District for 20 years.
She attended professional learning which included but not limited to California Alternate Assessment ELA Field Test Item Writer Training, Sacramento, Ca., CEDR Systems (SEIS) Conference, San Diego, Ca., California Association for Bilingual Education Conference (CABE), Neurodiversity & Inclusion, Certificate Program, University of La Verne, San Bernardino Teacher’s Association, National Board Jump Start Training Pre-Candidacy Program for Teachers. She has served as a Beginning Teacher Support Provider, Home & Hospital, Sub Acute teacher, Anderson School Site Council, a member of this year’s Community Advisory Committee for Special Education and a participant in 2022 District Vision and Mission Statement Steering Committee.
As an advocate for students and peers, in the community and in the K12 system, she is actively engaged in promoting contemporary solutions for education.
She promotes :
- Using year round schools to close the achievement gap.
- Giving immediate priority to selecting top-rated contemporary and reputable literacy programs, proven to be successful nationwide.
- Offer paid professional development and training for district classroom paraprofessionals.
- Encourage and support teachers throughout the district in obtaining National Board Certification which would develop, retain, and recognize accomplished teachers while generating ongoing improvements school wide.
- Expand the Transition program for students with exceptional needs and develop internships with prospective employers to include San Bernardino School District, hospital settings and the hospitality industry.
In addition to her teaching credential, she holds an B.A. Social Science, M.A. Special Education, M.A. Ed Administration and a Preliminary Administrative Credential all from California State University San Bernardino. She has three daughters, Michael-Anne, Eve Star and Gabrielle, all graduates from SBCUSD, and her husband, Fred Grande.