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Male Del Vallejo teacher Nicholas DeStasio shows off a laser-engraved piece of wood created by students to former NFL wide receiver and San Bernardino High alumnus Mark Seay.

SBCUSD successfully held its annual Principal for a Day event on Nov. 8, where community leaders from various fields took on the role of a school principal to gain firsthand experience in education leadership.

Vision 2030: SBCUSD Shines

SBCUSD Unveils Vision: 2030 to Cultivate Pride and Purposeful Futures for All Students

Vision 2030: SBCUSD SHINES sets the course for the District’s mission to ensure each student has the skills, resilience and determination to create their path and thrive in school, career and life.

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Connect publishes weekly on Friday afternoon. Find out all the latest news stories and upcoming events. And be sure to sign up for ParentSquare so you can get alerted when a new issue releases.

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Find My Child's School

Need help finding your child's school?

The San Bernardino City Unified School District provides tools for parents and future parents of the District to find where their home school is located and to find more information about the school.

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Expanded Learning

Expanded Learning (EXL)

The Expanded Learning Programs are offered to Kindergarten through twelfth grade students and operates daily from the dismissal bell to 6:00 pm. With homework help, food, and fun activities, Expanded Learning is the place to be.

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Linked Learning

Students Learn What They Love

Linked Learning is an approach to education that transforms the traditional high school experience by bringing together strong academics, a demanding technical education, and real-world experiences to help students gain an advantage in high school, post-secondary education, and careers.

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We're Hiring!

Join our team and work for the BEST!

Are you looking for new job or career change? We need your to Make Hope Happen. Join the SBCUSD Team and work for the BEST!

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Male Del Vallejo teacher Nicholas DeStasio shows off a laser-engraved piece of wood created by students to former NFL wide receiver and San Bernardino High alumnus Mark Seay.

SBCUSD successfully held its annual Principal for a Day event on Nov. 8, where community leaders from various fields took on the role of a school principal to gain firsthand experience in education leadership.




Enrolled Students




Graduation Rate


English Language Learners




California Distinguished Schools


Golden Bell Award-Winning Programs


Dual Immersion Schools


California Gold Ribbon Schools


The San Bernardino City Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Title IX Coordinator and Equity Compliance Officer – Mike Medina, Affirmative Action Officer San Bernardino City Unified School District at 777 N. F Street, San Bernardino, CA 92410 (909) 381-1122 | email:;  504 Coordinator – Ernestine Hopwood, Special Education Coordinator-Related Services at 4030 Georgia Blvd., San Bernardino, CA 92407 (909) 473-2095 | email: